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Flir MR55 Moisture Meter Dual Pin Type with Wireless Connectivity

Environmental Testers

Moisture Meter

The FLIR MR55 is a pin-based meter with wireless connectivity, which offers the convenience to view readings from a mobile device via the FLIR Tools® Mobile app. Thanks to a built-in library of 11 material groups, users can tune the meter to the appropriate test material to improve measurement accuracy. This library is easy to access on the FLIR.com website by scanning a QR code on the back of the meter with a mobile device.


Test from 11 material groups with pin probes. Measurements automatically compensate for ambient temperature.


Use Bluetooth® to view readings from a mobile device.


Features replaceable electrode pins, standard AA batteries, a backlit display, and a bright worklight to help make your job seamless.

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Environmental Testers


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